Second Life: Knowledge Base Key words: shortcuts keyboards hotkeys ctrl control shift quick User Interface Ctrl+F Find Ctrl+G Gestures Ctrl+H Chat History Ctrl+I Inventory Ctrl+L Link (selected objects in edit) Ctrl+M World Map Ctrl+P Preferences Ctrl+R Run Mode Ctrl+T Instant Message Ctrl+U Upload Image Ctrl+Z Undo (once while in edit - chat window off) Edit Switching modes: Ctrl+1 Focus Ctrl+2 Move Ctrl+3 Edit Ctrl+4 Create Ctrl+5 Land Debug Ctrl+Alt+D Open/Close Debug menu (some systems require Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D) Ctrl+Alt+M Mouse Moves Sun (requires Debug menu on) Ctrl+Alt+T Highlight Transparent Ctrl+Shift+N Force Sunset (requires Debug menu on) Ctrl+Shift+1 Sim Stats (you will need to turn off the minimap to view the full stats page) Ctrl+Shift+3 Texture Console (textures for the currently selected object will be highlighted in yellow) Rendering Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 Toggle rendering of normal objects Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2 Toggle rendering of objects with alpha textures Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 Toggle rendering of trees Ctrl+Alt+Shift+4 Toggle rendering of avatars - attatched prim objects will still be visible Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5 Toggle rendering of ground textures Ctrl+Alt+Shift+6 Toggle rendering of sky textures Ctrl+Alt+Shift+7 Toggle rendering of water Ctrl+Alt+Shift+- Toggle clouds/fog at elevation on/off. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+= Toggle particle effects on/off. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+\ Toggle rendering of bump mapped textures Ctrl+Alt+1 Toggle dispaly of the UI (e.g. windows, menus, etc.) Ctrl+Alt+5 Toggle hardware lighting Building Ctrl+Shift+A Start/Stop Movie to Disk Ctrl+L Link (selected objects in edit) Ctrl+Shift+L Unlink (selected objects in edit) Ctrl+Shift+M Toggle display of mini map Ctrl+Shift+S Snapshot Shift and Drag Copy object in edit Zoom Camera To zoom in and out, and to rotate the camera around an object or avatar, hold down the Alt key and left-click-hold on the object or avatar, then move the mouse up and down to zoom, and left and right to rotate around in a circle. Orbit Camera To orbit around an object or avatar in all directions, hold down Ctrl+Alt and left-click-hold on the object or avatar and move the mouse. Pan Camera Hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift and left-click-hold on an object or avatar, and move the mouse. This will move the camera directly horizontal and vertical, no rotation. |