xplorer² is a dual-pane file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity" for all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems. It offers the functionality of Orthodox File Managers through an interface similar to the familiar Windows Explorer. Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!
Unlike Windows explorer, xplorer² allows you to browse more than one folder at a time, using tabs and dual panes. Sorting out and copying files becomes a breeze. You can navigate your shell namespace quickly using favorites, clickable paths (breadcrumbs), easy access to root folders, a tree and a bookmark pane (drop box) etc. You can even save and restore folder groups whenever your workflow deems necessary. xplorer² browsing model scales up well to large folders with thousands of files. It reads fast, offers visual filters and a variety of selection mechanisms that allow you to manage your files effectively.
• clean minimalistic, customizable interface
• seamless handling of virtual folders (FTP/webfolders/zipfolders etc)
• extended file/folder details (MP3 tags, checksum etc)
• instant preview of text, graphics and audio/video content
• quick preview of documents with activeX servers (Office, PDF etc)
• find files using hyperfilters (e.g. locate files searching their comments for keywords)
• search & preview PDF and office documents
• detect and cleanup duplicate files
• manage many folders in dual pane or using tabs
• easy folder comparison & synchronization
• powerful visual filtering and selection engine
• organize in groups and color code files
• touch dates, split/merge and shred files
• mass renaming
• execute text commands (or DOS scripts) on files
• advanced NTFS support: hard links, file comments etc
• robust filesystem file/folder transfers
• unicode and text encoding aware
• export file information as text for printing etc
• focus on usability with keyboard shortcuts, histories, autocompletion etc
[] 23 November 08
* [P] improved color coding performance (Customize menu) in large folders
* Added 48x48 program icon
* "Don't lock browsed folder" advanced option now allows easier folder deletion
* Full manual and help updated
* registry option FTCOPT_OPENSUBFOLDERS=64 (for binTreeOptions) tree expands branch of active node when synchronizing with the active folder
* user commands and those from the addressbar can be applied to ALL selected items if you use a double prompt e.g. >> or $$. Single prompt characters will apply the command only to the focused item as usual.
* installer asks you (via a checkbox in Additional Tasks page) whether to associate xplorer?with folders so it will open when you click on folders on your desktop etc. This does not include virtual folders like "recycle bin", "my computer" etc.
* [P] Global registry option nCustMenuIcons how many bookmarks, user commands etc that can be placed on toolbars (5-100)
* Settings editor modified to accept plain numbers as well as slider bar control
* [P] xplorer?registration information shared so you can have both 32/64 bit running on the same PC. The program settings are shared too.
* Mass rename wizard dialog made X-resizable
* editor?v2.9 with x64 compatibility and some bug fixes
* 64 bit compatibility; to download the separate 64 bit version see http://zabkat.com/x2-64bit.htm
* registry option GAOPT_NOMINIDUMP=16384 don't install crash handler and no minidump generated otherwise in case of program crash %TEMP%\x2minidump.mdmp is written in the temp folder to aid remote debugging
* registry option DPF_NOMIDDLECLOSE=131072 middle/double click won't close tabs
* registry option GAOPT_NOCASCADEFRW=32768 don't open new frame windows cascaded (displaced bottom/right)
* [P] registry option GAOPT_IGNOREADSERR=65536, robust copy operations won't complain for file stream loss ?use at own risk!
* registry option FTCOPT_SORTBYDATE=32 (for binTreeOptions) sorts tree nodes by date modified
* mass renamer removes illegal characters from filenames (e.g. those introduced by ID3 tags) for _underscores
* added environmental variable X2DIR=xplorer2 executable folder, useful for portable runs. You can set tool paths relative to xplorer2 and use them in custom user commands, e.g. %X2DIR%..\yourTool.exe $n (note backslash included)
* Actions > Export settings now writes instructions in REG file to remove old registry information first
* Going up folder (Goto > Up a level) always selects the folder you came out of
* /N command line switch makes xplorer?not read network and other slow folders on startup, in case they are unavailable
* middle mouse button toggles the selection status of the item under cursor, good for vista where sticky selection doesn't work. If you don't have middle mouse button just press left & right simultaneously or click the scrollwheel
* registry field nCodePage (under main key) adds custom code page in various text file encoding drop-down lists, e.g. a value of 1253 will add Greek codepage and you can search for greek text in plain text files easier.
* Documents without image preview get a large icon in thumbnail view, like windows explorer does it
* various bugfixes
~Support Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista~
MD5: 9EDD21A7F3B829CC433A9FFF2BE9ED86
- Dec 11 Thu 2008 13:52
xplorer² Pro v1.7.2.0 多国语言版 - 模拟系统资源管理器